Tennis Elbow Classroom

Tennis Elbow Classroom

Smashing The Tennis Elbow Inflammation Myth!

November 30, 2013

What's the first thing they tell you to do when you have Tennis Elbow? "Reduce" the inflammation, right? Wrong!

Here's why you can forget all about fighting inflammation! - Why it's the biggest myth about Tennis Elbow and you don't have to worry about it.

Why you don’t have to put up with the stomach-churning pills, the constant icing and the damaging Cortisone shots…

Why the inflammation-fighting, reducing / "managing" approach to treating Tennis Elbow (also known as 'Lateral Epicondylitis' or 'Elbow Tendonitis') is a complete dead end and may do you more harm than good.

(Despite everything you may have read or been told AND in spite of the fact that your Tennis Elbow may FEEL like it’s inflamed!)