Tennis Elbow Classroom

Tennis Elbow Classroom

Cortisone Shots For Tennis Elbow: Biggest Mistake You Can Make

December 08, 2012

In the treatment of Tennis Elbow, the Cortisone shot is the go-to quick fix, often instantly erasing pain, almost like magic. Research reveals, however, that the powerful but often fleeting benefits of Cortisone can come at a very high price in the form of long-term and sometimes very serious consequences to your tendons.

Do Corticosteroid injections offer any tangible, lasting benefits to the healing process of your Tennis Elbow, then? – Or is the promise of Cortisone's instant relief little more than a deceptive mirage lulling you into a false sense of well being – until the illusion dissolves with your next relapse?

Here's why getting the shot – especially multiple shots, may the worst mistake you could make: