Sermons – Temple Baptist Church of Rogers, AR

Latest Episodes
Preparing Me for God’s Purpose in My Life
Many of us know Moses as the leader of the people of Israel but his story doesn't begin there. God was at work in Moses' life long before He was raised up to deliver the people of Israel and usher the
Discarding the Influence of God’s Presence in My Life
Each one of us has a spiritual malady. We all suffer from the effects of being "in the flesh" and subject to the "fleshly" desires that draw us away from God and away from His plan for our lives. By H
Finding Significance in God’s Purpose for My Life
In the Old Testament, the people of Israel were divided into twelve tribes. God gave each tribe a portion of the Promised Land to live in and be their own, save one--the tribe of Levi. This tribe was
Unveiling the Reality of God’s Presence in Our Lives
For our new sermon series, were going to be looking at some lessons from the life of Moses. Unlike an expository sermon series which would begin at the beginning of the Book of Exodus and work its wa
Behold the Lamb in Old Testament Prophecy
As we continue our series todayBehold the Lamb of Godwere going to be looking at one section of prophecy in the Book of Isaiah concerning the coming king of Israel. But this king that Isaiah prophe
Behold the Lamb in Old Testament Law
For the next several weeks, were going to be focused on the redemptive story of Scripture that was fulfilled through the incarnation of God the Son in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, who was born in
The Teachings of Christ about How to Live
For the past several weeks, we have been looking at the teachings of Christ on various topicsfrom prayer to spiritual warfare to hypocrisy to personal property. In each of these areas, Jesus taught H
The Teachings of Christ about Personal Property
So, as we dive into the twelfth chapter of Luke again today, were going to spend some time thinking about Jesus teachings concerning the areas of greed, jealousy, drunkenness, gluttony, laziness and
The Teaching of Christ on Genuine Faith
In the twelfth chapter of Luke, the gospel writer packs these first twelve verses with a ton of theological content dealing with issues such as hypocrisy, eternal judgment, the reality of hell and the
The Indictment of Christ on the Jewish Leaders
Just after Jesus warned the people to "be careful lest the light in you be darkness," Luke records a strange encounter Jesus had with the Pharisees. After being invited into one of their homes, Jesus