A.T Evans

A.T Evans

Latest Episodes

Fully Restored
July 22, 2024

It6 was all about prophetic prayers...

The Role Of Prayers In Christian Marriage
July 12, 2024

A very important message to listen to

The Lion In Me
July 06, 2024

We are not weaklings, we are ordained to fulfill a special purpose that requires we knowing ourselves and being courageous to fulfill the purpose God gave us...

Overcoming Through Gratitude
July 03, 2024

Gratitude can unlock doors of heaven, practice it...

A New Song - The New Beginning
July 01, 2024

Isaiah 42:10 says, Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise from the ends of the earth.When we sing a new song, we declare our willingness to change, grow, and be transformed by Gods grace. Its an invitation to leave behind old habits and embrace a

love vs retaliation
July 01, 2024

Love: Seeks the good of others (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). Is patient, kind, and forgiving (Colossians 3:13). Overcomes evil with good (Romans 12:21).Vengeance: Is driven by anger and a desire for retribution (Romans 12:19). Leads to more harm and

What Love Really Mean
July 01, 2024

In the Bible, love is presented as a fundamental and profound aspect of Gods character, His actions, and His expectations for humanity. One of the most famous passages about love is found in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, which describes love as patient, kind, n

Dealing With Disappoinments
July 01, 2024

Understand the purpose of everyone who shows up in our lives, have less expectations these 2 will help you minimize the feeling of disappointments.

Angelic Interventions
July 01, 2024

Angels obeys the commands of God to serve us... listen and be blessed

Self Love
June 19, 2024

The Bible doesnt address self-love directly in the way contemporary culture might define it, but it does imply the importance of a healthy self-regard through its commandments and teachings. For instance, the commandment to love your neighbor as yours