Tell Us A Good Story

Tell Us A Good Story

Episode 151: Martin Mongiello

November 25, 2022

Martin Mongiello (pronounced MAWN-JELLO) is a former executive chef to the President of the United States at both the White House and Camp David. While working at the White House, taking care of foreign diplomats and celebrities became his specialty. In addition to serving and cooking for SIX Presidents, Marty has served the likes of Tony Robbins, Jon Bon Jovi, Sheryl Crow, Nicolas Cage, Sophia Loren, and Martin Scorsese.

Does he have a favorite President he has worked with? Does he have to taste test everything the President eats or drinks? Does he have any crazy stories from a White House party? [SPOILER ALERT: YES, YES, and YES.]

Other stories include how enemies of the state will actually try to poison the food that will be served at Presidential parties and how he was knighted in Brussels.

Thank you for listening to Tell Us a Good Story. Head over to our website here for video clips, more episodes, and information about Kevin + Steph. And don’t forget to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts!

Guest Contact Information:
Instagram: @martincjmongiello 
Twitter: @martimongiello 
YouTube Videos:
Holiday Parties Stories at the White House
Thanksgiving Traditions 

To connect with Kevin + Steph:
