Tell Us A Good Story

Tell Us A Good Story

Episode 180: Kevin + Steph

July 21, 2023

For the first time in 180 episodes, Kevin + Steph talk to the man who introduced them…Kevin’s father, Ron Mason! As Kevin’s wingman (literally), Ron tells the story of how he first met Steph and then forced his son to meet her a few days later. If you personally know Kevin or Steph, this story is hard to believe. As Ron states, “It must have been God”. 

Stories in this episode also include…
-> How being a guest on Tell Us a Good Story is more nervewracking to Ron than speaking in front of hundreds of people like he used to as a former pastor.
-> The pranks Ron would play on his kids (that only he thought were funny).
-> The Mason family traditions that Steph thinks are hilarious.
-> That time Ron accidentally destroyed a West Virginia bathroom on vacation. 

A huge thank you to Ron for recording this conversation with his son and daughter-in-law AND for playing matchmaker in July 2002.

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