TEH Podcast
TEH 195: Apple goggles, Sonoma, and more announced. Reddit protests
In This Episode: Apple goggles, Sonoma and more announced. Reddit protests
This week the TEH Podcast is hosted by Leo Notenboom, the “Chief Question Answerer” at Ask Leo!, and Gary Rosenzweig, the host and producer of MacMost, and mobile game developer at Clever Media.
(You’ll find longer Bios on the Hosts page.)
Top Stories
- 1:00 GR: Apple announcements. Apple Vision Pro.
- VR goggles
- 13:00 Creativity for the future. What it takes to develop.
- 14:15 3-D movies
- 15:20 No nausea
- 18:00 You’re wearing a desktop computer
- 23:00 Spatial computing
- 24:45 Working horizontally
- LN: Article – My sick, unexplainable desire to buy a face computer
- 27:00 Sonoma, and other new features
- VR goggles
- 32:00 GR: Reddit API crisis
- 40:00 Has Twitter shut off?
- 47:50 Subreddit protests
- 40:00 Has Twitter shut off?
Ain’t it Cool
- 48:30 LN: FUBAR on Netflix
- 50:20 GR: Skeletons on the Zahara
BSP: Blatant Self-Promotion