TEH Podcast
TEH 191: Smart homes, Blocking Utah, AirTags, Anniversary and picking locks.
In This Episode: Smart homes, Blocking Utah, AirTags, Anniversary and picking locks.
This week the TEH Podcast is hosted by Leo Notenboom, the “Chief Question Answerer” at Ask Leo!, and Gary Rosenzweig, the host and producer of MacMost, and mobile game developer at Clever Media.
(You’ll find longer Bios on the Hosts page.)
Top Stories
- 1:00 GR: Been expanding my Smart Home tech. Some good, some bad.
- Smart Google stuff.
- 5:30 Giving it a time to turn off.
- Won’t dim over time. Might be coming.
- Too many apps… one for each lightbulb.
- Tried Geeni, gave me just one app.
- Had one bulb break after a week.
- Figuring out switches.
- 14:00 Smart isn’t always smart enough.
- Tuya … reducing number of apps.
- Smart Google stuff.
- 18:25 LN: Utah legislation wants to perform age verification. Turns out it’s easier to block a state than it is to have reliable age verification, so sites are cutting off Utah.
- https://www.vice.com/en/article/93kbkv/pornhub-blocks-utah-age-verification
- Often IP verification is inaccurate. VPNs can be from anywhere.
- 24:00 Montana ban of TikTok.
- https://www.vice.com/en/article/93kbkv/pornhub-blocks-utah-age-verification
- 29:30 GR: AirTags… what they can and can’t do.
- 34:00 Police departments now actively suggesting to use AirTags to track stolen cars.
- https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/watch-mayor-adams-makes-public-safety-announcement-in-the-bronx/
- 34:00 Police departments now actively suggesting to use AirTags to track stolen cars.
- 43:00 LN: 40 years ago today(!)
- May 2, 1983 A young Leo Notenboom walked up the steps of a small company called Microsoft.
- GR: Starting high school…
- May 2, 1983 A young Leo Notenboom walked up the steps of a small company called Microsoft.
Ain’t it Cool
- 45:00 LN: Irony in the bobiverse.
- 46:00 Murderbot series.
- 46:00 Murderbot series.
- 47:00 LN: Lock Picking Lawyer
- 49:00 GR: Clyfford Still Museum
BSP: Blatant Self-Promotion