TEH Podcast
TEH 190: Zippy internet. ChatGPT can’t do math? Authenticators, and broken school laptops.
In This Episode: Zippy internet. ChatGPT can’t do math? Authenticators, and broken school laptops.
This week the TEH Podcast is hosted by Leo Notenboom, the “Chief Question Answerer” at Ask Leo!, and Gary Rosenzweig, the host and producer of MacMost, and mobile game developer at Clever Media.
(You’ll find longer Bios on the Hosts page.)
Top Stories
- 0:00 LN: My zippy Internet 800 down… 40 up.
- 1:25 identifying different choke points.
- 1:25 identifying different choke points.
- 3:00 GR: Math computations and programming, periods and commas!
- The trickiness of software updates
- The trickiness of software updates
- 9:45 ChatGPT Can’t do math? But convincingly…
- 14:00 Don’t rely on ChatGPT
- 17:00 ChatGPT as tech support. Wrong answers faster.
- 14:00 Don’t rely on ChatGPT
- 22:10 LN: Google’s 2FA
- 24:00 Authy
- 25:10 Update – Google Authenticator now backs up your 2FA codes to the cloud
- 26:00 Token, 1password
- 24:00 Authy
- 29:40 GR: School laptops from just a few years ago are already useless.
- Schools bought millions of Chromebooks in 2020 — and three years later, they’re starting to break
- 31:00 So what is the best way to bring tech to the classroom?
- Chromebooks are designed as cheap consumer devices. Schools need “heavy” commercial ones.
- 34:00 Long-lasting parts, easily repairable. Not fancy.
- 37:00 A web-based system that can be used on virtually any device.
- 39:00 Issues with connectivity.
- Schools bought millions of Chromebooks in 2020 — and three years later, they’re starting to break
Ain’t it Cool
- 46:00 LN: “Ain’t it meh” -> Colossus sequels
- 48:00 LN: Picard, of course (& Mandalorian)
- 48:00 LN: Picard, of course (& Mandalorian)
- 49:50 GR: The Bobiverse
BSP: Blatant Self-Promotion