TEH Podcast
TEH 183: Is History Old? Being Platform Agnostic, How AI Gets smart
In This Episode: Is History Old? Being Platform Agnostic, How AI Gets smart
This week the TEH Podcast is hosted by Leo Notenboom, the “Chief Question Answerer” at Ask Leo!, and Gary Rosenzweig, the host and producer of MacMost, and mobile game developer at Clever Media.
(You’ll find longer Bios on the Hosts page.)
Top Stories
- 0:40 Mac vs. PC & Is history old?
- 4:00 How do people discover new music.
- How TikTok is changing things
- 6:00 Finding music on TV, movies?
- 8:00 Flowers
- How TikTok is changing things
- 8:42 Eclectic taste.
- Philosophizing on the benefits of being “platform agnostic” – the benefit from having a wider range of comfort with different platforms.
- 11:15 GR – Other platforms
- 14:00 Siri and Alexa
- 16:00 Internet of things
- 19:00 Online works on all platforms
- How Standards Proliferate
- Philosophizing on the benefits of being “platform agnostic” – the benefit from having a wider range of comfort with different platforms.
- 21:39 LN: Discovered today that “everyone has a website” if they have a google account.
- Google Drive -> New -> More -> Google Sites (Leo’s Example) – Kinda cool, very low barrier to entry. Easy to set up.
- Interestingly blogger is still around too: https://leosexample.blogspot.com/
- 24:20 GR: using it for tags. Restaurants should use it!
- Google Drive -> New -> More -> Google Sites (Leo’s Example) – Kinda cool, very low barrier to entry. Easy to set up.
- 27:20 GR: Artificial Intelligence is really based on Human Intelligence. But then Human Intelligence is based on Human Intelligence too.
- Army of coders
- 30:30 LN Combining things in a new way
- 31:00 Image controversy
- 33:46 GR AI generated Stock photos
- Army of coders
- 37:40 GR: Hardware keys as authentication. Apple allows them now for device login.
- 40:00 LN YubiKey
- 45:00 Phishing
- 40:00 LN YubiKey
Ain’t it Cool
- 50:52 LN: The Last of Us
- 53:30 GR: Finished House of the Dragon
BSP: Blatant Self-Promotion
- 55:00 LN: How Long Should a Password Be?
- 1:01:00 GR: Using the Terminal For a Better Mac Calculator