TEH Podcast
TEH 180: Predictions for 2023
In This Episode: Predictions for 2023
This week the TEH Podcast is hosted by Leo Notenboom, the “Chief Question Answerer” at Ask Leo!, and Gary Rosenzweig, the host and producer of MacMost, and mobile game developer at Clever Media.
(You’ll find longer Bios on the Hosts page.)
Top Stories
- 0:23 Predictions for 2023
- 1:00 GR: AI chatbots
- 3:10 LN: ChatGPT will fool High School teachers
- 8:40 GR: Apple will come out with VR glasses
- 11:50 GR: First self-driving cars for real
- 12:50 LN: Probably no self driving cars
- 15:20 LN: Self driving trucks
- 17:50 GR: Social Media Fragmentation. Big guys are breaking up. Mastodon growing
- 25:55 LN: Youtube shorts are growing
- 25:55 LN: Youtube shorts are growing
- 27:40 GR: Passkeys… super long passwords will hopefully improve
- 34:40 GR: More automation to replace workers
- 37:50 LN: Probably won’t be in 2023. Will be a backlash
- 37:50 LN: Probably won’t be in 2023. Will be a backlash
- 35:39 LN: Airlines meltdown
- 40:40 GR: BIG Denver meltdown
- 40:40 GR: BIG Denver meltdown
- 41:45 LN: Philippines air breakdown.
- Techies try to bypass damaged UPS, send 380V into air traffic system
- What happens when you plug a 110v machine into a 220 outlet
- Techies try to bypass damaged UPS, send 380V into air traffic system
- 1:00 GR: AI chatbots
Ain’t it Cool
- 50:00 GR: Alice In Borderland Season 2 on Netflix
- 52:00 LN: Evil (Paramount+), Witcher: Blood Origins (Netflix), Top Gun: Maverick (Paramount+)
BSP: Blatant Self-Promotion
- 54:35 LN: Saved: Backing up with Macrium Reflect Online course on sale until ~15th:
- 55:20 GR: Why You Need To Be Careful When Buying a Used Mac