

Latest Episodes

Can advances in technology help liberate us from the grip of disinformation?
February 03, 2021

The events of the last few years have underlined that we are awash in disinformation, AND that a large swath of society believes that disinformation to be reality.  But disinformation doesn’t just include easily refutable assertions,

A disinformation playbook
January 27, 2021

Like it or not – we are at war: one of information and disinformation and the stakes cannot be higher.  How can we  better understand and mitigate, or at least anticipate what is next in a disinformation campaign? For example,

AI — Not your average governance challenge
January 20, 2021

Guest: Carl Gahnberg The field of AI ethics is relatively new, mostly because we are just starting to grasp the implications of advances in AI and therefore decisions that may need to be made by the machines then, or by

On the Nature of Intelligence and AI
January 13, 2021

Guest: Joanna Bryson Artificial intelligence and machine learning and data are inextricably linked.  Yet common misconceptions persist. What is intelligence and is machine intelligence same or better than human intelligence?

Real world retail comes with a side of digital surveillance
December 23, 2020

Guest: Keith Kirkpatrick Today, retailers collect a wealth of data on consumers, both online and offline. And consumers hand it over, sometimes willingly and sometimes unwittingly. In retail locations surveillance cameras have given way to unobtrusive ...

How your digital footprint makes you the product
December 16, 2020

Guest: Bruce Schneier You have probably heard the saying: “If you are not paying for the product, you ARE the product”.  Nowhere is this more acute than on the internet when our personal data is collected, analyzed and used to persuade

Digital Footprints on Foreign Soil
December 09, 2020

Guest: Aynne Kokas Chances are, by now you have heard about the controversy surrounding TikTok, the popular social media video app.  The controversy stems from allegations that TikTok complies with Chinese Communist Party’s request to provide user data...

Economics of Collaborative Innovation
November 11, 2020

Guest: Konstantinos Komaitis The Internet is the quintessential example of collaboration across stakeholders and geographic boundaries resulting in both economic gain and seismic innovations.  Yet as the Internet  evolves it is increasingly regulated b...

Open Standards and Collaboration among Competitors
October 28, 2020

Or: The business of competition and the future of the Internet. Guest: Patrik Fältström A company’s business development tactics are usually about getting a bigger slice of the market “pie” for themselves through successful competition against other co...

Collaboration and the globalized world
October 21, 2020

Guest: Maria Farrell To what extent does the political climate and the favored geopolitical model du jour impact internet and technology development?  Many would argue globalization is either dead or in the early stage of demise as evidenced by the