Techscopo - News

Techscopo - News

Latest Episodes

Games That Finish Development, More FNAF? Oh You Know It!, Fake Plants/Real Drugs, Prosthetics You Can Feel, and More – I’m Feeling It This Week!
September 16, 2019

We’re back and we’ve got some random ones this week! Timeslip Softworks says they’re hopefully, completely done with their game Vigilantes – everything’s so “live-service’ these days, it’s hard to believe games actually finish. Speaking of games that fin

FINALLY – Cat Treadmill Technology! Oh… and Dog Shelter Simulator, Proactive AI to Tell When Your Fridge Will Break, Lavender-Scented Shower Water, and More – So Fresh!
September 02, 2019

Welcome to another week where there’s something about cats, dogs, or both and the tech and games that surround them! There’s also something about charity, exclusivity, and both in there as well! PR? Ultimatums? Just overall good causes? It’s sounds like

It’s a BS Week Again! – Nerf or Nothin, Halo on PC, Facebook’s Clear History Tool Update, Gamescom and More Randomness
August 26, 2019

Here we are again with another week of random BS talk about news throughout the week including stuff we heard from Gamescom, our excitement about Halo and their testing of Reach’s Firefight mode on PC this past week, discussion about Facebook’s release a

Epic Refuses DARQ Simshipping, Skyblivion’s Getting Close, More Robot Bartending, New Portable Sonar Tech, and More!
August 19, 2019

Welcome to another week of tech and games where we talk about exclusivity, 7-year-old mods hitting the finish line, AI missiles, and more. Is that your bartender? Is that a robot? Is it both? Companies collecting data say it isn’t enough anymore – let’s

Scholarships for Smash Players, Blinking Eye Chips, Robotic Tails, and Fabric Electronics – We’re Weaving Our Way Through the News!
August 12, 2019

With all the hub-bub on Steam’s privilege escalation exploit, it looks like a patch has made its way to Steam Beta Client users, while if you have a Nintendo Switch instead, and go to the University of California Irvine, you may be looking at scholarship

Jacked DEEEER, Vortex Hits Their 1.0 Release, Bubble Wrap 2.0, and Vibrating Dog Technology – We’re Up-to-Date This Week!
August 05, 2019

We’re back after being gone for a week, but the news doesn’t stop! Crazy indie titles coming out of the woodworks, mods that defy physics (and lifespans), everything’s out of beta (okay, not everything but still…), bubble wrap isn’t fun anymore (but work

Another BS Week – Robot Bartenders, Console Game Talk, the Witcher Show, and More Random Talk
July 22, 2019

Just a week of us BS’ing about the things we love to talk about – games and tech. Stick around with us as we chat about some of the random stuff we saw covered in the space throughout the week while we wrap up a birthday week for the birthday boy – Andre

Drag and Drop Game Development, Congress and Rocket League, Cars with Solar Panels, and Dog Nose-Print ID – News Hounds on the Trail!
July 15, 2019

Welcome to another week where this time we dive more into Steam Lab’s current active experiments, talk about a new drag and drop game development engine Manu, prototype smart glass that can read numbers on the wall, more retro handheld consoles, and so m

Farming Cats, Neuroplasticity, Plastic Bottle Houses, and Faster Ad Blocking – That’s a Lot of Hours!
July 08, 2019

Another week and we’re back to the format! Play games for hours in VR or get massages while you wonder the possible consequences. Don’t think about that too much though while you taste test your wine for urine – but wait! Now you don’t have to – with IBM

Just a BS Week This Week – Firewall Gripes, Games Done Quick, Random News on the Fly, We’re Off the Cuffs so Come Hang Out!
July 01, 2019

We spent a while doing server/firewall maintenance this week and we got caught up on general life stuff, but the show must go on (and consistency is key)! No show notes, no squared off topics, no research – we’re just a couple of best buds chatting about