Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Sci-Fi Tech Geek

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Microsoft Surface
June 23, 2012

So, as a brand new dawn creeps over the hills, the first bursts of sunlight illuminate a compilation of metal, glass and plastic that is the saviour of the tablet market for the Windows 8 platform. And it shall be called Surface. It will be all that the i

Star Wars Episode 7: Lucas Retires
June 08, 2012

For many people, including myself, George Lucas represents the connective tissue in the love affair between science and fantasy. He provided us with a world that, not only was beyond what we could imagine, but outside of the rules of imagination. We know

Science Fiction Conventions
June 02, 2012

Yes it is that time of year again when pot-bellied men, dust off their Darth Vader costume, ample women reach for the princess Leia slave costume, and totally embarrassed kids dressed up as Artoo Deeto find themselves converging on convention centres dott

2013 Sci Fi Remakes
May 26, 2012

Remakes are an institution in the world of film. An inexorable inevitability much like old age, mortgages, and an annoying co-worker. Cinema bends it knee to acknowledge the fact that a movie was so good for a particular generation, that every so often, i

Those Diablo 3 Servers !
May 19, 2012

Without a doubt there is a legion of gamers out there who, simultaneously sighed with relief, and spontaneously exploded in anger following the release of Diablo 3. We waited a tortuous twelve years for this game, endured the rise of MMORPG’s, spear hea

Summer Blockbusters
May 12, 2012

ith the irrefutable claim that Avengers did more than everyone expected , is it any surprise that a movie about good vanquishing evil, would succeed in  the boiling, double dipped recession and  politically scalding cauldron of a society we have today?Â

The Internet , The Pirate Bay and ISP’s
May 05, 2012

The internet is effectively the visceral, electronic realisation of a Frankenstein like creation hatched by an organisation oblivious of its potential threat to society at large. The illegitimate child of DARPA , has lived up to the  extremely low expect

Star Trek – The Five Captains Arrive ! in London
April 28, 2012

Fans of Trekdom are no doubt rejoicing over the fact that for the first time, all five star trek captains will be visiting London. It is heart-warming to know that on one stage, we will see all versions of Captains of the beloved sci fi drama, which has c

Windows 8 – All Three Versions !
April 21, 2012

  Microsoft finally announced this week how many editions of Windows 8 would be released into the wild later this year. By The way, it also actually confirmed that the new version would in fact be called “Windows 8”. For those still struggling to com

Mass Effect 3 The Ending
April 14, 2012

Mass Effect 3 was a good game, in fact although I am probably being premature; I would go as far as to say it will end up being in the top 5 games of 2012. Bioware has come under fire because of an “ending” that many fans have complained was unfair. T