Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Sci-Fi Tech Geek

tektalk5 #72 : The Galaxy Gear

August 24, 2013

There  was no doubt that the one watch to rule them all would be announced. Similarly, there was the inescapable truth that the Silicon Valley fruit company would probably be left scratching their heads with the  same bemusement of Rip van Winkle.

Samsung has again beaten Apple to market with a device that will be a sure hit for those who find it too much of a choice to reach into their pocket to take out a phone and check the time. this android powered device will be on many a wishlist soon and I’m sure will comprehensively smackdown Apple yet again. A watch should be something functional and not overpriced. unfortunately, the latter is a signature of Apple that could spell doom for the success of the upcoming iWatch.

As always we will have to wait and see.