Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Geekout #41: Who Is Dr Who ?

August 03, 2013

Well the new Doctor is in and no doubt he or she will be picked apart, by fan boys and critics alike. We’ll comment on the appointment fully next week. In the meantime enjoy this week’s guest post.

12 Most Intriguing Comic Book Heroes Worthy of Their Own Movies


With “The Avengersâ€, “The Dark Knight†and “Iron Man 3†being in the top 10 of highest grossing movies of all time, we think it’s safe to say comic book based productions are on the rise. However, there are many interesting, intriguing and alternative comic books and characters that seem to have been overlooked by producers and with Comic-Con being upon us right now, we believe there is no better time to poke that hive.

 #12. The Flash

The Flash is possibly one of the most iconic heroes in the DC Universe and one of the most fascinating members of the Justice League. Even though he has been featured in a TV series with the same name, it’s safe to say that it would be interesting seeing him on the silver screen with modern-day effects and scripting based on the 2011 relaunch of DC Comics. A movie is rumored for 2016 but will the speedster finally get what he deserves? Only time will tell.

 #11. Venom

We know what you are thinking – Venom was already featured in Spider-man 3. Be that as it may, that’s not the whole story behind this intriguing anti-hero. Venom doesn’t end with Eddie Brock. There are lots of possibilities to explore and we think the audience will be fascinated with the moral ambiguity of the hero.

 #10. Green Arrow

“Arrow†is one of the best TV series you can see today and we certainly want to see more of it. The show is very well done and the hero is fascinating enough to receive his own movie adaptation. Will the success of the TV series lead to something bigger? We hope the answer is “yes!â€

 #9. Deadpool

After the complete (in our opinion) failure of “X-Men Origins: Wolverineâ€, we believe we deserve a compensation. The loud-mouthed, wise-cracking avatar of awesomeness deserves his own movie, and a good one. With the recently released video game with the same name, we believe it’s finally time that happened.

 #8. Nightwing

We feel that Nightwing is one of the most underrated superheroes in the DC Universe, even though he is one of the most famous. People see him as a cheap clone of Batman which is not only absurd, but it misses the point of the character. We hope to see a movie in the future that will clear things up for people who haven’t read the comics.

 #7. Blue Beetle

Who is more deserving of his own movie than an unlikely hero who merges with an alien scarab which gives him superpowers? Obviously many other heroes since after the relaunch, Blue Beetle was canceled after 17 issues. It’s a shame because he was one of the most interesting, although underrated heroes in the DC Universe. A movie will probably never happen but who can tell for sure?

 #6. Black Panther

We are not really sure why a man who once single-handedly defeated the Fantastic Four hasn’t gotten his own movie yet. Black Panther’s powers have the potential of providing excellent fight scenes and the beautiful jungle setting would be simply incredible. It would certainly be different from the movies we are used to and maybe that’s a part of the problem. We hope that it will happen one day, nonetheless.

 #5. Dr Strange

Enough about superpowers. Let’s change the topic a bit and talk about sorcery. Dr Strange is most certainly deserving of his own movie adaptation with his incredible magical abilities as the Sorcerer Supreme. It would be another refreshing title but the good people in Hollywood don’t seem to be taking any risks these days.

 #4. Iron Fist

Iron fist is a martial artist who can channel his chi energy to enhance his physical abilities far beyond that of a normal human. Is there anything more we need to say in order to sell the idea?

#3. The Question

Now that is one truly original super hero. Imagine an investigative journalist with a blank face who is one of the greatest believers in objectivity and is ready to do anything to uncover the truth. Even though he is hardly blockbuster material, the Question can definitely make an interesting movie.

 #2. Cyborg

Where the Question fails to deliver blockbuster potential, Cyborg more than compensates. If done correctly, Cyborg can definitely become one of the greatest action movies of all time.


#1. Batman Beyond

This movie needs to happen! Its potential is just too great. What can be more awesome than a Batman in a cyberpunk world mentored by Bruce Wayne himself? The movie can provide lots of action, as well as an interesting storyline. Why hasn’t anyone made it yet?!


These are our 12 Most Intriguing Comic Book Heroes Worthy of Their Own Movies. Some of the characters in the list will probably end up on the big screen at some point, and others will become the material of another article – 12 Most Awesome Movie that Never Happened.

Author Bio: Paula Sheamus is passionate blogger. She currently works a part time job at London Cleaners and she is very happy with that because she has enough time to write.