Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Geekout # 40 : Comic Con 2013

July 20, 2013

Its that time of year again when the rubber eared, cotton and polyester mixed garment wearing cosplay fanatics, jump on trains, planes and automobiles and head at warp speed to the San Diego convention center.

Much like a pilgrimage to mecca, the science fiction /fantasy addicts go for their yearly fix of posters, teaser trailers and just an eye popping technicolour , vomit inducing smorgasbord of sights and sounds.

Comic Con  2013 remains the uber geek convention. A veritable nexus of all things geek related. To the outside observer it appears as though this religious like following of all things Star, both Trek,and Wars. Dr Who, Battlestar Galactica et al is nothing more than a search for some form of meaning to life for those who do not appear to have one.

Lets face it, when you think of the word geek, comic book guy from the yellow colored cartoon that I cannot mention for legal reasons, springs to mind, not a vacuous , chiseled chinned, golden tanned, Thunderbird puppet character that you can find in just about any american TV soap, or worse Geordie Shore.

Geeks have been given a bad wrap. We are assumed to be lacking in social skills, unable to correctly match a shirt with a pair of trousers, slightly overweight and having an acute ability to recite the black gate speech from “ The Lord of the Ringsâ€.

Lets face it , without Geeks, your computer network would not function well , you would not receive free tech support from a family member,you wouldn’t understand why the hell the printer keeps going off line, and you wouldn’t walk around with an ridiculous, up your own , sense of superiority.

Geeks are the reason you’re reading this on your, phone, tablet or PC right now. You need a geek to get you back on the internet and geeks will always be the individuals you turn to when you can’t figure out how to get porn online for free.

Don’t get me wrong, there is something slightly wrong with an individual who can recite Pi to four decimal places, plays WOW for far too long, and is more than comfortable with the subdued hum of a running PC or games console, than the dulcet tones of a one to one conversation with another human being.

So lets acknowledge the fact that geeks are an important part of this tenuous , inexplicable thing we call life, even though some of us prefer not to spend most of our time in it.