Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Sci-Fi Tech Geek

tektalk5 #71 : Dragon Age - Inquisition

June 29, 2013

The fact that the Bioware website advertises the next chapter in the recently maligned DragonAge franchise, and does not even mention the unmitigated disappointment that was DragonAge 2 is a telling confession of the fact that the company wholeheartedly got the sequel wrong.

There has been a lot of smack about just how bad DA2 was, and it is not for me to shine the light on it again. It is comforting, however that they have decided to tease us with, well a teaser, highlighting the technicolour like glory and fluidity of the Frostbite Engine.

Yes I know, the teaser was, or at least looked like it was pre rendered. But, really It gives us all hope that Bioware will be able to return to the fantastic gameplay, and story that Origins gave us. It is only a pity that we have to wait till Autumn 2014 to play it.