Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Sony beats Microsoft at E3

June 15, 2013

The week of showing off new games and the all shiny 2001 monolith looking consoles that we will all be lining up to buy soon, is now over. The sun has set on E3 2013 , with one overriding statement. Sony convincingly beat the pants off Microsoft.

Not only is the PS4 more powerful than the Xbox One, but, more importantly, it costs less, has no limitations on used games, and will not require a constant internet connection to function effectively.

How did this happen? how did the Xbox, which over the past few months , has continued to be the best selling console manage to drop the ball?

We were dubious earlier on this year when Sony refused to reveal the console.It might have something to do with the fact that the last one was panned as looking more like the George Foreman Grill. We felt cheated by the fact that they grudgingly showed us the controller. So we were collectively sceptical about what the machine would look like and how much it would cost.

Sony has learned a few lessons and implemented them quickly to regain the gaming crown.

First, don’t base product design on a grilling franchise, but more importantly listen to the hardcore fans. They are the people who will ensure than you swim inn a pool of money for years to come.

Microsoft, sadly seems to have listened more to the studios , the cable companies and the games makers, who want to wring every last drop of revenue out of us. And they will pay a high price as I am convinced that some die hard Xboxers, will rename themselves PS4.