Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Sci-Fi Tech Geek

XBOX ONE. What Did you Expect !

May 25, 2013

Well Microsoft can breathe a self satisfying sigh of relief. they did reveal the XBOX ONE to the world, and for the most part people were satisfied.

What i personally found disappointing was the lack of kinect integration , which seems strange as you will, apparently, not be able to purchase the console without the kinect. Anyway, the fan boys and girls are no doubt counting their pennies and planning as to how they are going to afford this console in the run up to Christmas. I, on the other hand am prepared to wait a while, certainly until the real reviews are in before I pass judgement on this new device.

The Gauntlet has been thrown down before the feet of Sony, who now appear to be bad sports for not revealing their console. No doubt for both manufacturers, E3 will be the venue for the console smack down.