Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Star Wars vs Star Trek

May 18, 2013

And so JJ Abrams has finally got “Star Trek Into Darkness†out of the gate, and no doubt many overweight forty something’s, who attend conventions dressed up as a sweaty Bobba Fett are wondering when he’ll use the force to focus on the task before him; turning the Star Wars franchise into a bigger money making machine to rival that of the “licence to print money†that is Marvel Studios.

With the combined hope of the citizens of a galaxy far far away as well as those here on earth the mammoth task laid at abrams feet is more akin to a battle with the mighty sarlacc.

Are we all pregnant with high expectations of the “Lost†creator or are we brimming with an overwhelming sense of excitement, that the franchise, almost single handedly destroyed by its own creator, has successfully been wrestled from his hands and ceremoniously handed to a younger, more dynamic director.