Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Sci-Fi Tech Geek

The Internet Under Attack

March 30, 2013

For some incomprehensible reason, there are people out there who are of the belief that If the internet does not do what they want it to, they have the right to attack it with the unfettered ignorance of a teenager arguing with his or her doting parents.

This week the attack on the inter-network had its roots in a disagreement between an organization, whose aim is to keep us safe from spam, an another , whose intention is to have our inbox bursting with pleas from Nigerian statesmen that did not pass through a spell checker, or worse yet, the promise to meet singles in your area.

It seems as though there will always be a set of individuals whose sole aim in life is to bombard us with nonsense e-mails in the hope that this carpet bombing approach will yield enough of a response to make their silly unfulfilled and petulant lives worthwhile. That they can somehow manage to con a blue rinsed grandma, or a wide eyed youngster into giving up their personal details, only to be fleeced of, at the very least, their dignity.

Shame on you.