Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Sci-Fi Tech Geek

All New Game of Thrones

March 02, 2013

George RR Martin’s “Game of Thrones†books, attempts to put a gritty , Caligula meets Dallas approach to the fantasy genre. Filled with a mosaic of characters from the blond haired, fetus looking King Joffe  to the peroxide, Village of the Damned looking Dragon queen.

Seasons 1 and two have left us wanting more, but more of what? Surely not the ever present intimate scenes , or heads being rammed onto spikes. No Mr Martin has succeeded in weaving an intricate, if not confusing at times story more akin to musical chairs than the embers of a Tolkien like tale.

Don’t get me wrong, I like Game of Thrones because, despite the obvious references to shows past it attempts to put a 21st century spin on a genre not always akin to dealing with adult themes. I am not suggesting that its popularity is based on how many hunka chunka scenes can be fit in the 55 minute , cable tv requirements. No, the stories attempt to deal with treachery, revenge,and redemption  in the best , Machiavellian way possible.

Well that’s enough from me, I’m of to a fast food restaurant for a tasty equine burger.

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