Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Sci-Fi Tech Geek

The Walking Dead Returns

February 16, 2013

The Walking Dead returns to UK shores this week , with the visceral energy of a Gundark on the back of having set a new record for a cable show in the US.

The genre of having some rotting corpse trying to bury its gnarly teeth into your skin, is nothing new. Dawn of the Dead was a cult movie, when it was first released, and there have been innumerable versions of the “Zombie Survival †since.

Even gamers have been given the opportunity to engage in the much touted “Zombie Apocalypseâ€. Without a doubt one of the most played games ever, is the “resident evil†series. Very  successful and even having the ability to make a successful transition into movies. Something that both “Hitman†and “Prince of Persia†could not achieve.

Further to the point we have the much anticipated “World war Z†and looking at the trailer , those zombies are not only flesh eating ,but they look like they’d give Usain Bolt a run for his money.

Robert Kirkman has created a narrative that deals with the impact of a World that has changed on those that remain in it, and have to fight to survive. He asks us to consider “What would you do!†as his main protagonist “Rick Grimesâ€, effectively moves from lawman to survivor,; from upholding the law to killing the dead and living  in order to survive.

Don’t get me wrong, there are legions of fans who do enjoy, the gory, blood soaked, brain cleaving fright fest, but equally, I think the characters Kirkman has given us are compelling enough for us to  want to keep on watching. Lest we forget the episode where Rick receives a phone call from his wife and other dead comrades, and we considered the possibility that he might  be going mad.

The governor is withouit doubt a compelling character, both charming and devious. We continue to hope that he will meet his waterloo with Rick and that Hoolly will wise up to his wicked ways.

No doubt , Kirkman has created a winning formula, and created a show that has a following akin to when “The X-Files†was at its peak. I only  hope that it will continue to move fromn strength to strength, or rather corpse to maggot infested corpse.

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