Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Microsoft and Sony’s New Console

February 09, 2013

Imagine it,your network gets hacked by a bunch of acne infested anarchists, and you get fined for the pleasure. Furthermore, you launch a handheld device in a market that has now been dominated by the gaming experience that most people are already happy enjoying on their smartphone, so it fails.

You know that your premium device is due for a refresh this year, everything is riding on the fact that you need to get this right, and you decide on the one thing that will probably alienate your core customers, more than anything else.

Well done Sony!

To be fair , it seems as though Microsoft has also decided to go this route, a path that will lead to a dark side of anger, mass departure and protest. For whatever reason, console manufacturers have made an executive decision that will effectively cut the legs off the second hand games market.

No doubt inspired by their bottom line they have decided that depressed economies and, triple dipped recessions are exactly the best time to eliminate a market and force the little people who ensured that world banking did not collapse, not profit from buying a second hand game.

Both companies clearly missed the seminar titled “How to win friends and make them happyâ€, and clearly decided that the alternative “ screw them any way we can†was more in line with their business model.

The sad reality is that many people will still buy these consoles, because popularity, is not about service or quality, it’s about marketing.

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