Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Star Wars 7 : A New Director

January 26, 2013

Star Trek has been widely regarded as the quintessential, thought provoking, and sometimes action packed show that has drawn legions of fans globally over decades. The original show, which remarkably ran for only three seasons has spawned, arguably more spin offs, and movies than any other show in the history of television.

Trekkies, globally have donned rubber ears, ridiculous looking uniforms and pointed non-functioning phaser guns at about anyone willing to take a picture of them as they bowed at the feet of the Roddenberry, Shatner, Nimoy and others.

Despite this success the presence on television ended in the noughties with the much maligned “Enterpriseâ€. The worry being that this would be the end of the franchise.

Then came J.J. Abrams.

His reboot in 2009 was more like an adrenaline soaked rip-roaring adventure that not only revived the patient, but more so propelled it into the money making $100 million dollar club. Purists said it was more akin to the Space Opera like stories of the forties and fifties. No matter what you thought of it, it remains a significant departure from the original but a success that has drawn in even more fans.

 Star Wars currently suffers from the pre 2009 Star Trek problem.

Who can forget the wide eyed enthusiasm with which we consumed Episode 4 way back in 1977, and the utter dismay after watching episodes 1 to 3 and mentally asking ourselves at the end “Really?â€.

Star Wars at present suffers from decay, and if there were anyone who could revive the franchise, making it fresh and relevant, it should be Mr Abrams. I would humbly suggest that he take a leaf out of the developers of the Star Wars Clone Wars TV show, i.e. move in a different direction. Create new characters, new story arcs, make it brash, bold and bright.

I hope, expect and pray that Abrams will make a wonderful movie, not only for youngsters but also for those who remember the feeling when the lights dimmed in the movie theatre and we were taken on a fantastic journey, far, far away.

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