Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Sci-Fi Tech Geek

Dr Who - The celebration begins

January 19, 2013

To the average British Sci-Fi fan, Dr Who is as revered a figure as Gandalf. Science fiction outings such as Torchwood, Merlin, Blake’s 7 all owe no small debt of gratitude to the strange doctor who travelled through space and time in a police box. It is fitting that for the half century that this iconic figure has been with us, the British Film institute found it fitting to honour him.

More importantly the reboot has been so widely acknowledged as an unqualified success that reboots have been ordered for other classics such as the aforementioned Blake’s 7 and even Space 1999.

Yes, the two hearted man from Galifrey, and the fantastic adventures we have all witnessed from behind the living room sofa as children could not be stronger. How many shows have the pleasure of saying they’ve been around since well before man landed on the moon.

Secrecy still surrounds the fiftieth episode, however I am sure it will be fitting for the show that has courted more enthusiasm than more high profile efforts like The X Files, and Lost. Good shows but they all suffered the ravages of time and fans that soon got jaded with the lack of a fresh approach.

Built into Dr Who, organically, and not as the result of the mid-afternoon whim of a television executive, is the notion that it can last for as long as we want it to. While Scully and Mulder will eventually have to retire, all the Doctor has to do is go through another metamorphosis.

If we ignore the valiant, but rather shallow efforts of some of the Doctors, the show in the end has endured and I’m sure it will be around for another fifty years.

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