Tech On Reg Podcast

Latest Episodes
2024 Election: What Does it Mean for Financial Services and Tech?
On this episode, Dara is joined by two top financial services lobbyists from each side of the aisle, Peter Freeman of FS Vector and Izzy Klein of Klein/Johnston Group, to do a post-election breakdown
Federal Privacy Legislation? For Real?
In this episode, Dara discusses the history of the U.S. attempts at federal privacy legislation and the newest bipartisan bill being proposed. What are the obstacles and likely objections to the propo
Breaking the Future
SXSW is a safari to the future according to Todder Moning, Lead Futurist at U.S. Bank. But, as Mike Bechtell, Chief Futurist at Deloitte, pointed out in his Fintech House fireside last year: futurists
CannaBiz: Recreation and Regulation
Joined by Michael Johnson, CEO of Metrc, we discuss the evolution of regulationin the Cannabis industry. Metrc is a leading platform to track and trace cannabis from seed to sale which allows distrib
Biometric Signatures: The Digital Dotted Line
We sit down with Matthew Gibson, Co-Founder and CEO of Syngrafii, to discuss the digitization and compliance of signatures. Syngrafii has changed the landscape of biometric signature capabilitiesthro
Retirement Planning and Cryptocurrency: Not your Average 401K
ForUsAll is the first 401 K platform to offer accessto cryptocurrency in retirement planning. We sit down with David Ramiriez, CEO of ForUsAll, to talk about investment portfolios, retirementplannin
Navigating the World of Sex-Tech
We welcome Soumyadip Rakshit, Co-Founder and CEO of MysteryVibe. MysteryVibe is a sexual health company that produces smart vibrators toys that address major sexual health issues such as erectile dysf
Disruption in the Brokerage Industry
We welcome Federico Baradello, CEO and Founder of Finalis, to discuss disruption in the brokerage industry.Finalis is a platform that helps private securities brokerages to operate legally and compli
Emotional Decision-Making: Measuring the Human Response
Beni Gradwohl, Co-founder and CEO of Cognovi Labs, joins us to explore emotional artificial intelligence. Cognovi Labs is dedicated to leveraging technology to measure human emotion through an artific
Risky Business or Risky Intelligence?
We sit down with Amanda Cohen, Director of Products at Resolver to talk about our favorite, Reg-Tech, and risk management. Resolver is changing the landscape of risk management by analyzing risk data