Tech of Sports

Tech of Sports

SportsVisio CEO, Jason Syversen on Cutting Edge AI

November 23, 2022

Great to talk to Jason this week. A great idea and a passion for sports has created SportsVisio. SportsVisio is a highly revolutionary Sports AI/Computer Vision startup that essentially uses cutting-edge AI tech to capture basketball stats and automatically generate highlights, simply using iPhone or Android phone cameras on tripods. All with Syverson and SportsVisio giving back!

Enjoy Jason Syverson of SportsVisio.

Syversen has grown and sold multiple multi-million dollar companies. After earning a BS in computer engineering and an MS in electrical engineering, Jason became a project manager at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). He then went on to found, and later sell, Siege Technologies. Prior to founding SportsVisio, he was GP at 10x Ventures.