Team Garbage Fire

Team Garbage Fire

Latest Episodes

32. War of the London Mulligan
March 14, 2019

In this episode we talk about the London Mulligan, War of the Spark, the price of fetch lands, the last Modern Grand Prix, and what we think about Modern Horizons.As always you can find us at: Website:

31. We've Solved The Meta! Not Really. Also, Arena Is Awful.
February 16, 2019

In this episode we trash talk Arena for a while and then talk about a new deck that Kory has been interested in for a while.  We have some video and audio help, and it's fantastic. As always you can find us at: Website:

29. Will this see modern play: Ravnica Allegiance Edition
January 20, 2019

In this episode we talk about our top 5 picks each of cards that we think might see modern play from the newest Magic: the Gathering set, Ravnica Allegiance.  Maybe some hits, maybe some misses, who knows?  As always you can find u...

28. Ravnica Allegiance Spoilers and Meta Musings
January 08, 2019

In this episode we talk about Ravnica Allegiance spoilers.  We also talk about the meta and decks we might be building in the future, and why Heath can't play white in his next deck.As always you can find us at: Website:

27. The Pro Mythic Tour Challenge
December 20, 2018

In this episode we talk about the changes to the Pro Tour, and we try out Arena and give you our thoughts. Usual ramblings ensue, and we almost get to the point.As always you can find us at: Website:

26. Oh, The Horrors!!!
December 01, 2018

In this episode we talk about what predictions came true from Ultimate Masters, and about a deck that Kory has been brewing that he's calling Grixis Horrors. The usual tangents and strange arguments filling in at the most random times.As...

25. Ultimate Masters Speculations.
November 17, 2018

In this episode we try to guess what will be in the final Masters product, Ultimate Masters.  There might be some rambling plus a healthy amount of awkward pauses and questionable picks.  As always you can find us at: Website: ...

24. Mardu Pyromancer VS. Azorius Spirits
October 28, 2018

In this episode we talk about the match-up of Mardu Pyromancer against Azorius Spirits.  A few ramblings about the current meta, and as always, devil's advocate.<br><br>As always you can find us at: <br>We...

23. Will this card see modern play? Guilds of Ravnica edition.
September 24, 2018

In this episode we talk all about the new cards from Guilds of Ravnica, and which ones we think will see modern play. We also talk about finding a stack of old cards and what was found. Also, a quick bit on sealed for Guilds of Ravnica. ...

22. Magic Worlds and stuff.
September 24, 2018

We talk all about Magic World Championship, Gerry Thompson, and many off topic things. As always you can find us at: Website: Right Here Twitter: