The Tea Leaves Podcast

The Tea Leaves Podcast

Welcome.US CEO Nazanin Ash on Welcoming Afghan Refugees

February 01, 2022

Nazanin Ash is the CEO of Welcome.US, a non-profit, non-partisan initiative that seeks to rally additional support and resources from the American private sector, NGOs, and community groups in support of arriving Afghans. The initiative was launched in September 2021, and has partnered with the U.S. State Department, as well as more than 250 NGOs, businesses, and leaders of diverse faiths, politics, and backgrounds. Previously, Nazanin was vice president of Global Policy and Advocacy at the International Rescue Committee, and served in senior positions in the U.S. State Department and USAID.

On this episode, Nazanin discussed the challenge of resettling close to 100,000 Afghan refugees in less than six months, the Welcome.US approach to public-private partnership and how the organization is rallying resources from across American society, and how the United States can ensure that our new neighbors are provided the support and opportunities to thrive.

Please visit for more information on how you can support the Afghan resettlement effort.