Teaching in Higher Ed

Teaching in Higher Ed

Latest Episodes

#030: Teaching Naked [PODCAST]
January 08, 2015

It is easy to want to cover up in some way as professors… - In today’s episode, President Jose Antonio Bowen encourages us to become good at “Teaching Naked." Podcast notes Guest: Dr. Jose Antonio Bowen, President, Goucher College -

#029: Specifications Grading [PODCAST]
January 01, 2015

There’s something wrong with the way we’re grading that isn’t being talked about nearly enough. - On today’s show, Dr. Linda Nilson shares about a whole new way of thinking about assessing students’ work and making grades mean more. -  

#028: How to see what we’ve been missing [PODCAST]
December 26, 2014

Fears and concerns over changes in higher education persist. - Whether it is our disdain for lecturing to a bunch of disconnected, texting and Facebooking students, or their boredom at being put to sleep by a droning professor reading from his powerpo...

#027: Teaching through student research [PODCAST]
December 18, 2014

Getting students engaged in research is one of the ways we can make their learning experiences more tangible and more profound. In today's episode, Dr. Bethany Usher joins us to talk about what happens when we turn students into scholars.

#026: Minds Online [PODCAST]
December 11, 2014

Educational technology that is designed “with the brain in mind” can be a catalyst in facilitating learning. - On today’s episode, Dr. Michelle Miller draws from her research in neuroscience and cognitive psychology and shows us how to facilitate ...

#025: Make large classes interactive [PODCAST]
December 04, 2014

It seems that the larger classes get, the more distant our students can seem. On today’s episode, Dr. Chrissy Spencer helps us discover how to make large classes interactive. Even if you teach classes of 20,

#024: Cultivate creative assignments [PODCAST]
November 20, 2014

When we get creative with what we assign students, we open up a whole new set of possibilities for student engagement and learning. On today’s episode, Dr. Cameron Hunt McNabb helps us discover how to craft creative assignments that facilitate learning...

#023: How to engage students in the classroom and online [PODCAST]
November 13, 2014

It is such a crucial part of what we do as professors... Getting students involved in discussions and helping to facilitate their learning. Dr. Jay Howard joins me on this episode to talk about how to engage students in the classroom and online. -

#022: Using iPads in the higher ed classroom [PODCAST]
November 06, 2014

Dr. Guy Trainin joins me for episode 22 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast to talk about using iPads and tablets in the classroom. -   Podcast Notes Guest Dr. Guy Trainin Bio Blog On Twitter TechEdge on Pinterest

#021: Role immersion games in the higher ed classroom [PODCAST]
October 30, 2014

Students voting to extend the class time? Professors reporting that students are doing the reading for the course without threats or other forms of coercion? Today, in episode 21, Dr. Mark Carnes joins me to talk role immersion games in the higher ed c...