Teaching in Higher Ed

Teaching in Higher Ed

Latest Episodes

#050: Fifty episodes of Teaching in Higher Ed [PODCAST]
May 28, 2015

Episode 50 Podcast Notes On this episode, members of the teaching in higher ed community join me to celebrate all the learning that’s gone on in 50 episodes. Many also share their recommendations to the listening community, too. - *** Dr.

#049: EdTech tools | Spring 2015 [PODCAST]
May 21, 2015

  Podcast Notes In today’s episode, I give an update on some of the edtech tools I experimented with in Spring 2015. Slack - Team communication for the 21st century. Imagine all your team communication in one pace, instantly searchable,

#048: Using Evernote in Higher Ed [PODCAST]
May 14, 2015

  - Having a notebook application that goes with you everywhere and is available on every device can greatly enhance your teaching and productivity. On episode #048 of Teaching in Higher Ed, Scott Self and Bonni Stachowiak share how they each integrat...

#047: Developing metacognition skills in our students [PODCAST]
May 07, 2015

Podcast notes It sounds counter-intuitive. Getting students to learn more by thinking about learning? Today, on episode #047, Todd Zakrajsek speaks with me about developing metacognition skills in our students. - Todd Zakrajsek, Ph.D. -

#046: Ending well [PODCAST]
April 30, 2015

Many of us are getting ready to end a class. This process can be an exhausting one, as we feel the various stressors this season can bring. On today’s episode #046, ending well. Podcast notes Ending well Guard against student fatigue -

#045: Calibrating our teaching [PODCAST]
April 23, 2015

On the Teaching in Higher Ed episode #045, Aaron Daniel Annas and I converse about how we have calibrated our teaching over time. Podcast Notes Calibrating our Teaching Aaron Daniel Annas Assistant professor of cinema arts

#044: How to care for grieving students [PODCAST]
April 16, 2015

Our students sometimes experience losses during their college years that most of us can never have imagined enduring in that season of our lives. In today’s episode of Teaching in Higher Ed, how to care for grieving students. PODCAST NOTES

#043: Storytelling as teaching [PODCAST]
April 09, 2015

Stories can capture our imagination… and make a class come alive. Aaron Daniel Annas joins me to talk storytelling on this episode of Teaching in Higher Ed. Podcast Notes Aaron Daniel Annas Assistant professor of cinema arts

#042: Mixing it up in our teaching [PODCAST]
April 02, 2015

Some of us have been at this for a while. Today, on episode 42, I share some ideas about mixing it up in our teaching. Podcast notes Teaching classes repeatedly Advantage of knowing where students typically get stuck - Dr.

#041: What to do before you act on all you’ve captured [PODCAST]
March 26, 2015

On today’s episode, #041, Dave and I discuss what to do before you act on all you’ve captured. PODCAST NOTES: Episode #32 talked about capture. All the places where we capture what it is we need to do (either because of others’ demands,