Teaching in Higher Ed

Teaching in Higher Ed

Latest Episodes

#060: Practical instructional design [PODCAST]
August 06, 2015

Much of the craft of teaching happens outside the classroom, as we make plans for how to best facilitate learning in a course. On today's episode, Edward Oneill joins me to talk about practical instructional design. Podcast notes

#059: The terror of teaching [PODCAST]
July 30, 2015

I just had my first 2015 Fall semester teaching nightmare. Turns our I'm not alone. In today's episode, I share some of my fears about teaching and ways that I often attempt to resolve them. Podcast Notes The Skillful Teacher,

#058: Universal design for learning [PODCAST]
July 23, 2015

It can happen without us ever intending it. Something about the way we teach is leaving some of our students behind… - In today’s episode, Mark Hofer shares how he implements Universal Design for Learning in his teaching,

#057: Teaching with Twitter [PODCAST]
July 16, 2015

You would be surprised how much can be done through 140 characters. In today’s episode, Jesse Stommel, shares about how he enhances his teaching with Twitter. Podcast notes Teaching with Twitter Guest: Jesse Stommel About Hybrid Pedagogy

#056: Getting to zero inbox [PODCAST]
July 09, 2015

It's not a regularly-requested topic, because so many of us assume it is inevitable that it will be a headache for us... However, it's keeping us from being our most productive. - On today's episode: Getting to zero inbox in our email.

#055: Approaches to calendar management [PODCAST]
July 02, 2015

Calendar management: It's a central part of most of our time management systems. On today's show, Dave and I share our approaches to calendar management. Podcast notes Guest: Dave Stachowiak - Dave shared about his "Wayne's World" moment,

#054: Finding meaning in our work [PODCAST]
June 25, 2015

"Do what you love.” “Love what you do… and you’ll never work a day in your life.” There are plenty of mantras about how to approach one’s career. Today, I speak with Jonathan Melesic about finding meaning in our work. PODCAST NOTES

#053: Peer instruction and audience response systems [PODCAST]
June 18, 2015

It's a great way to get our students thinking deeply in the classroom. Today, Peter Newbury joins me to talk about peer instruction and using clickers in the higher ed classroom. Podcast notes Guest: Peter Newbury Bio Twitter Blog -

#052: Respect in the classroom [PODCAST]
June 11, 2015

The temptation has been there for all of us at some point in our teaching. - Venting about our students… Setting things up in our classrooms to make sure we maximize our already-present power. - Today, I talk with Kevin Gannon about ways how to respe...

#051: Vulnerability in our teaching [PODCAST]
June 04, 2015

A former guest on Teaching in Higher Ed, Josh Eyler, gets me thinking about vulnerability in our teaching... Podcast notes Guest: Sandie Morgan - Luke bringing me a broken egg yesterday. - What's this, Mommy? What was inside, Mommy?