Teaching in Higher Ed

Teaching in Higher Ed

Latest Episodes

Diversity and Inclusion – How Does Higher Ed Rate?
February 22, 2018

Amer Ahmed shares how higher ed rates in diversity and inclusion on episode 193 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode Are we healing when we’re in a constant state of frustration? —Amer Ahmed Getting people off the defensive is ...

Using Data to Stimulate Student Learning
February 15, 2018

Eric Loepp discusses how he uses data to stimulate student learning on episode 192 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Resources Mentioned Beyond Polls: Using Science and Student Data to Stimulate Learning FiveThirtyEight New York Times Washington Po...

Creating Immersive Learning Experiences in Online Courses
February 08, 2018

Ric Montelongo describes how he creates immersive learning experiences in online classes on episode 191 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode If you experiment, look at what support your institution has to offer.

Using Game-Based Pedagogy and Studying Our Teaching
February 01, 2018

Eddie talks about studying our teaching and his new book: Playing to Learn with Reacting to the Past: Research on High Impact, Active Learning Practices* on episode 190 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.

Designing Online Experiences for Learners
January 25, 2018

Judith Boettcher shares her expertise designing online experiences for learners on episode 189 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode Autonomy really means helping students have their own sense of self.

Designing Inclusive Games for The Higher Ed Classroom
January 18, 2018

Anastasia Salter on episode 188 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast discusses designing inclusive games for the Higher Ed classroom. Quotes from the episode What comes out of it is what someone imagines. —Anastasia Salter The first thing to decide is ...

Laptops: Friend or Foe
January 11, 2018

Todd Zakrajsek discusses laptops – friend or foe? – on episode 187 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode Laptops weren’t the problem to begin with — attention was the problem. —Todd Zakrajsek Banning the problem doesn’t change t...

Assessing the Impact of Open Educational Resources
January 04, 2018

Eddie Watson shares about assessing the impact of open educational resources on episode 186 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Resources Mentioned Episode 137 – Eddie talked about Teaching Naked Techniques Teaching Naked Techniques: A Practical Guid...

Privacy and Safety in Online Learning
December 28, 2017

Christian Friedrich shares about privacy and safety in online learning on episode 185 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode Privacy and safety are not the same thing. —Christian Friedrich Safety and privacy usually are contextua...

The Science of Retrieval Practice
December 21, 2017

Pooja Agarwal discusses the science of retrieval practice on episode 184 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Resources Mentioned