Teaching in Higher Ed

Teaching in Higher Ed

Latest Episodes

Open Education as a Way of Being
March 17, 2022

Alan Levine and Bonni Stachowiak start a conversation about open education as a way of being on episode 405 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. - Quotes from the episode You have to find and develop

Annotation is
March 10, 2022

Remi Kalir discusses his #Annotate22 project and the impact of annotation in the world on episode 404 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. - Quotes from the episode Annotation is all around us. -Remi

Playful Learning and Virtual Escape Rooms
February 24, 2022

Rachelle O’Brien and Nicola Whitton talk about playful learning and virtual escape rooms on episode 402 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. - Quotes from the episode Be open to putting yourself in a

The Problem with Grades
February 17, 2022

Josh Eyler discusses the problem with grades on episode 401 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. - Quotes from the episode The more we focus on grades, the less we focus on learning. -Josh Eyler - Th

The Heart of a Teacher
February 10, 2022

Jeff Hittenberger helps Bonni culminate her 400th episode by talking about the heart of a teacher on episode 400 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. - Quotes from the episode I had some assumptions

Satire from McSweeney’s
February 03, 2022

Bonni Stachowiak shares some satire from McSweeney’s Internet Tendency on episode 399 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. - Quotes from the episode I hope that brought you a little bit of laugher in

Pedagogy of the Depressed
January 27, 2022

Christopher Schaberg talks about his book, Pedagogy of the Depressed, on episode 398 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. - Quotes from the episode Just talking to students once or twice a week is so

Teaching Machines
January 20, 2022

Audrey Watters shares about her book, Teaching Machines, on episode 397 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. - Quotes from the episode When people try to erase history, they do that to foreclose hope

Contingency and Pedagogy
January 13, 2022

Amy Lynch-Biniek discusses the ways in which contingency can impact pedagogy on episode 396 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. - Quotes from the episode To be a teacher in the 21st century, you als

The End of Burnout
January 06, 2022

Jonathan Malesic shares about his book, The End of Burnout, on episode 395 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. - Quotes from the episode The data seems to suggest that around half of workers are som