Teaching in Higher Ed

Teaching in Higher Ed

Unraveling Faculty Burnout

April 07, 2022

Rebecca Pope-Ruark talks about her book, Unraveling Faculty Burnout, on episode 408 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.

Quotes from the episode

Higher ed will take as much as you give it.

There is a lot of shame attached to a diagnosis of burnout.

-Rebecca Pope-Ruark

Burnout is not something we talk about in higher education.

-Rebecca Pope-Ruark

We all know someone who is burned out but we don’t necessarily know that they are because it is not talked about.

-Rebecca Pope-Ruark

There is a stigma of talking about burnout.

-Rebecca Pope-Ruark

Going through burnout doesn’t mean you are bad academic.

-Rebecca Pope-Ruark

Perfection is a comparison disease.

-Rebecca Pope-Ruark

We will never be perfect. There is no such thing as perfect.

-Rebecca Pope-Ruark

Higher ed will take as much as you give it.

-Rebecca Pope-Ruark
