Teaching in Higher Ed

Teaching in Higher Ed

What Inclusive Instructors Do

December 30, 2021

Tracie Addy talks about what inclusive instructors do on episode 394 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.

Quotes from the episode

Inclusive teaching is being responsive to the diversity of our class and designing learning environments that include all of our students.

Inclusive teaching is being responsive to the diversity of our class and designing learning environments that include all of our students.

-Tracie Addy

Inclusive teaching allows students to be engaged in an equitable learning environment and feel a sense of belonging.

-Tracie Addy

We can think about our students in terms of the different strengths they bring to the classroom.

-Tracie Addy

I had a lot of experiences as a black female that had a profound impact on me.

-Tracie Addy
