Teaching in Higher Ed

Teaching in Higher Ed

#082: Practical program development [PODCAST]

January 07, 2016

On this week’s episode, Doug Grove discusses practical program development: what works and what doesn’t when building learning experiences for today’s students.
Guest: Doug Grove
Associate Provost and Vice President for Enrollment Management and Program Development, Concordia University
Doug Grove is the Associate Provost and Vice President for Enrollment Management and Program Development. As Associate Provost, he plays a significant administrative role in the development of online and blended programs and courses, faculty development in online teaching, and coordinating efforts between the business office, marketing, adult and graduate admissions and the Office of the Provost. More
We see a lot of benefits of synchronous class sessions, but we’re not sure every student wants that. There’s a tradeoff with flexibility.
-Doug Grove

One of the mistakes we made when developing some of these programs was trying to be all things to all students.
-Doug Grove

Every program is a little different. One of the bigger mistakes we’ve made was we just took our existing structure and placed it on any new program.
-Doug Grove
Education Technology Tools

Adobe Connect web conferencing software
Dragon Naturally Speaking for speech-to-text


Batch processing on the computer. Do “like work” all at one time.


Book: Start with Why by Simon Sinek
Coaching for Leaders Episode 223: Start with Why Featuring Simon Sinek
Simon Sinek’s TED talk

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