Teaching in Higher Ed

Teaching in Higher Ed

#080: International Higher Education in the 21st Century [PODCAST]

December 23, 2015

On today’s episode, I speak with Dr. Mary Gene Saudelli about developing curriculum for international higher education in the 21st Century.
Guest: Dr. Mary Gene Saudelli
Author, The Balancing Act:  International Higher Education in the 21st Century*
Book on Amazon*

Mary Gene is an assistant professor and director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Calgary in Quatar. More
I create a situation where I ask my students to think about things from multiple perspectives, but also allow their voices to be honored.
–Mary Gene Saudelli
How Dubai has Changed

Book: Transitions: Making Sense of Life's Changes* by William Bridges
Book: The Way Of Transition: Embracing Life's Most Difficult Moments* by William Bridges

Mary Gene:
In difficult circumstances, stop to consider your own thoughts: When you have extreme positions, does that extreme thought mirror who you want to be as a person and what you want to believe?
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