Teaching in Higher Ed

Teaching in Higher Ed

#074: The public and the private in scholarship and teaching [PODCAST]

November 12, 2015

Podcast Notes

On today’s show, Dr. Kris Shaffer talks about two topics: public scholarship and student privacy.
Guest: Kris Shaffer
Website: kris.shaffermusic.com
Twitter: @krisshaffer
GitHub: kshaffer
We don’t have a nice, fuzzy boundary between completely private and completely public like we used to.
—Kris Shaffer

We don’t advance human knowledge by publishing something and putting it inside a fence and making it hard to get.
—Kris Shaffer

Social media is about more than just projecting my identity online; it’s about cultivating a community online.
—Kris Shaffer

And by raising a question, sometimes we advance knowledge more than by simply stating a fact.
—Kris Shaffer
Open-source scholarship on Hybrid Pedagogy
Zotero tutorials: http://universitytalk.org/zotero/
N. Cifuentes-Goodbody on Twitter: https://twitter.com/doctornerdis

CitizenFour: A documentary about Edward Snowden, streaming on HBO. Watch trailer here.
Hello, by Adele: Watch here.
Closing notes

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