Teaching in Higher Ed

Teaching in Higher Ed

#040: How to take a break [PODCAST]

March 19, 2015

Five faculty members share how they are spending their breaks and what recommendations they have for how to take a break...

Podcast notes
Ten things to do instead of checking email, by Natalie Houston (guest on episode #034)
How to take a break

David Pecoraro from the Student Caring podcast
Heading to Fresno for son's swim meet
Reading: Building social business, by Mohammed Yunus
Christine - teaches part time. Fighting with insurance companies over the break. Dealing with snow days.
Nicholas - teaches in Doha, Qatar  (pronunciation of Likert scale)
"My spring break is already over, but I spent it learning how to use ScreenFlow so I can help my MA students learn to use Zotero better."
Doug McKee from the Teach Better podcast
Two week break from teaching at Yale
Microsoft Word in review mode
PDF expert 5 on the iPad
Screencasting with Quicktime on the Mac (record screen and do light editing)
Sandie Morgan from the Ending Human Trafficking podcast
Engaging with others in diverse communities to combat human trafficking
Expand circles of influence
Connect app


David Allen on the Coaching in Higher Ed podcast
Closing credits
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