Teaching in Higher Ed

Teaching in Higher Ed

#039: Spring break recharge [PODCAST]

March 12, 2015

On episode 39, I share about a few things I'm doing over Spring break to recharge. Spoiler alert: It is mostly all about getting caught up and staying caught up for me.

Podcast notes
Differing perspectives on Spring break
a) give assignments for students to work on over the break
b) grade student work
c) recharge/refresh for the rest of the semester
Sign ups

The Best Day
Time Trade
Google forms


Mac Power Users episode 240
TurnItIn iPad app

Answering student questions

Forum set up just for Q&A (invite students to post questions there)
Screenshots (SnagIt)
Screencast (Tapes app - beware the 60 minute monthly limit, SnagIt, Screenflow or Camtasia)

What about you?
Recharge, refresh for Spring break?

Leave a message at: 949-38-learn.
Recharge - Kindle Voyage
Closing credits
Please call 949-38-LEARN to record a message about your Spring break recommendations and / or ideas beyond what I spoke about on this episode.