Teaching in Higher Ed

Teaching in Higher Ed

#030: Teaching Naked [PODCAST]

January 08, 2015

It is easy to want to cover up in some way as professors…

In today’s episode, President Jose Antonio Bowen encourages us to become good at “Teaching Naked."

Podcast notes
Guest: Dr. Jose Antonio Bowen, President, Goucher College

Teaching Naked: How Moving Technology Out of Your College Classroom Will Improve Student Learning
Recommendations (part 1)
This episode, we start with Bonni's recommendation and ask Dr. Bowen questions from Storycorps.

About Storycorps
Storycorps's Great questions
Danny and Annie's animated story
Ask your colleagues the questions related to working from Storycorps

Teaching Naked
The thing that teachers do best in the classroom is to be human beings, and to get to know their students as human beings, and to make that connection between what matters to their students and what matters to them. (Jose Bowen)

Start with what matters to your students
Used to have the advantage, based on knowledge
Use class time to make genuine connections and not simply for providing information
Technology works great outside the classroom for quizzing, communication, etc.
We know more about teaching than we did when we were in school
Pedagogy needs to be our central focus, and most of us weren't trained in it

A teaching failure
Bonni admits to one of her bigger failures in teaching in the past few years

Driving the stick shift car and not always having it turn out the way we want it to

Overcoming the failures - Jose gives advice
We are opaque as to our own intellectual accent. Everybody has an accent in the way they speak, but they also have an accent in the way they think.

Academics, in particular, are bad examples of learning, because we learned in spite of the system. We're the odd balls. We're the weirdos. We're the people who liked school so much that we're still here.

Most students don't learn that way.

Failure is simply part of the game. Disconnect is just part of what happens. (Dr. Jose Bowen)

Embrace mistakes
Admit when things go wrong
Describe why you tried what you did
Model change ("I changed my mind.")

The end of the story
The Naked Classroom

Furniture moves around; no rows
No technology / screen
Index cards
Laptops aren't typically necessary

Nobody uses a laptop while doing yoga or playing tennis (Jose Bowen)

I believe in noisy and messy classrooms. Complexity. Lots of failures. People having to confront real problems. Confront each other. Confront me... (Jose Bowen)
For beginners... need to set the stage and expectations... after that, they know how the game works.