Teaching in Higher Ed

Teaching in Higher Ed

The Myth of the AI First Draft

June 06, 2024

Leon Furze shares the myth of the AI first draft on episode 521 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.

Quotes from the episode

We need to provide opportunities for people to find things hard, to persevere, and to see if they come out the other side.

We need to provide opportunities for people to find things hard, to persevere, and to see if they come out the other side.

-Leon Furze

For me, brainstorming, idea generation, drafting, all of that is far more important than the finished product itself.

-Leon Furze

If we’re going to accuse students of cheating and then allow professors or or educators to use the technology for assessments, that’s hypocritical, and probably quite condescending.

-Leon Furze
