Teaching in Higher Ed

Teaching in Higher Ed

How Role Clarity and Boundaries Can Help Us Thrive

February 15, 2024

Karen Costa shares how role clarity and boundaries can help us thrive on episode 505 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.

Quotes from the episode

So the first question I want folks to ask themselves is what are my qualifications in this role.

I saw people being asked to, like, completely revamp their entire course and learn how to online, but nothing was removed from their plate.

-Karen Costa

So the first question I want folks to ask themselves is what are my qualifications in this role.

-Karen Costa

Just because you are qualified to do it does not mean that it is yours.

-Karen Costa

I didn’t know what boundaries were until I was about 35 years old, and it’s taken me about 7 years of really challenging interpersonal work to understand what boundaries are and to feel confident in setting boundaries for myself.

-Karen Costa
