TBA_NOW's podcast
Latest Episodes
Hateful Eight Review
Top 5's Quentin Tarantino Movie Songs, Characters and Movie Scenes
TBA NOW ep10 Walking Dead, Valiant Heart, Limitless
tba now limitless valiant heart walking dead
To Be Announced Now ep 8 Limitless, Fear and News
tba now limitless fear the walking dead
To Be Announced ep 7 Fear Fifa 16 and news
tba now, fear the walking dead, fifa 16, news
TBA NOW ep 6 Fear Pokemon and Falling Skies
tba now, pokemon, fear of the walking dead and falling skies
To Be Announced Now ep 5, Fear of the Walking Dead, Attack on Titan, Top 5 Zombies
TBA NOW, Fear of the Walking Dead, Attack on Titan, Top 5 Zombies
ToBeAnnounced NOW episode 3
TBA NOW, Straight Outta Compton, Falling Skies, Top 5 Backwards Compatible Xbox One games, Drugs in Competitive Games