TASH Amplified

TASH Amplified

The Individualized Education Program as a Living Document

August 07, 2017

Season 2, Episode 2 — 7 August 2017 About this episode In preparation for the return to school, the theme of the current issue of our membership magazine is “The Individualized Education Program as a living document”. We talk with Amy Toson, the guest editor of this issue, about what the IEP as a living document means and how to implement such a vision in your meeting or school. This issue is free to members and non-members alike for the month of August. To read the entire issue, visit tash.org/iep. About the presenters Amy L-M Toson, Ph.D. has been working both nationally and internationally for well over fifteen years in the area of inclusive community and school capacity building and systems change. She began her career as a community inclusion facilitator and K-12 inclusive education teacher. She then moved into the role of consultant and professor working with families, teachers and leaders across the globe facilitating effective inclusion for all learners, paying special attention to those who are traditionally marginalized and segregated, such as students with intensive support needs. Currently, Amy is an Assistant Professor and Special Education Ph.D. Program Chair within the College of Education and Leadership at Cardinal Stritch University. She researches and teaches doctoral courses on multi-dimensional capacity building, leading/building inclusive systems and communities, doctoral research symposium, and legal and political analysis. Amy received her Ph.D. from the University of South Florida within the Departments of Educational Leadership/Policy Studies and Special Education in 2013. She now resides in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas and is taking up action for building inclusive communities across the lifespan there. Donald Taylor is responsible for membership and chapters at TASH and is the producer of Amplified. Transcript Announcer: You’re listening to TASH Amplified, a podcast that seeks to transform research and experience concerning inclusion and equity for people with disabilities into solutions people can use in their everyday lives. TASH just released the latest issue of our quarterly member magazine, Connections, the theme of which is “The Individualized Education Program as a living document”. Today we are talking with Amy Toson, the guest editor of the special edition, about what the IEP as a living document means and how to implement such a vision. Musical introduction Complete transcript forthcoming Announcer: You’ve been listening to TASH Amplified. For more about the series, including show notes, links to articles discussed, a complete transcript and a schedule of episodes, visit tash.org/amplified. You can subscribe through iTunes or your favorite Android podcast app to have the series delivered automatically to your device so you never miss an episode. If you enjoyed today’s episode, please share it with your friends and on your social networks. Today we talked with Amy Toson, the guest editor of the latest issue of our membership magazine, Connections, on “the IEP as a living document”. We’re sufficiently excited about this issue that we are making it available to members and non-members alike, free for the month of August. To read the […]