Tap Into Your Power: The Amplify Project Podcast

Tap Into Your Power: The Amplify Project Podcast

Latest Episodes

We're Going ALL IN
May 22, 2019

We’ve made a big decision. We’ve decided to go ALL IN. What does it mean to go ALL IN? Going ALL IN means saying no to some things we love. Like this podcast. Yep, we’re throwing in the towel. But you might be surprised to learn why. Give the...

FB Live Episode - Your Communication is Judged by How it Was Received Not By Your Intent
April 06, 2019

My FB Live from Wednesday 04/03/19 has been uploaded as a bonus episode on Tap Into Your Power: The Amplify Project Podcast.  This week we discussed former Vice President Joe Biden, and the importance of always increasing your nonverbal...

Super Power #2 - Purposeful Body Language
April 05, 2019

Ready to learn your second superpower? We finally are going to talk about body language and how to increase your nonverbal intelligence. Why have we waited so long? Give the podcast a listen and find out. You might be surprised. Purposeful body...

FB Live Episode - Powerful Without Being Overpowering
March 30, 2019

On this FB Live episode, we discuss how your don't have to show up as overpowering to feel like you're living in your power.  

Super Power #1
March 29, 2019

All of us have superpowers. Powers we can use to help us claim lives of meaning and purpose, stand in our worth, and own the shit out of our greatness. In the next several podcasts, we’ll explore these superpowers and show you how to access them....

FB Live Episode - If You Aren't Failing You Aren't Doing It Right
March 23, 2019

On this FB Live Episode, we talk about the power of failing.  Failing means that you've taken a risk, you've tried something new, you're willing to grow and stretch and learn.  We celebrate this in children and yet we beat ourselves up for...

Your Language Shapes Your Experience
March 22, 2019

“This is a nightmare!” “I’m so overwhelmed” “I never get ahead.” Careful. Your language shapes your experience. How you talk about your life, yourself, or anything else has the power to affect everything. You must recognize that how you...

FB Live Episode - You Always Have a Choice
March 16, 2019

On this FB Live episode, we discuss the choices we make in order to structure the kind of life from which we don't want to escape.  This is "self-care."

Imposter Syndrome
March 15, 2019

Do you ever feel like an imposter? You know, like someone will figure out once and for all that you have NO IDEA WHAT YOU’RE DOING? I used to say that everyone suffers from imposter syndrome, but that’s not exactly true. It’s only those people...

FB Live Episode - Why We Need to Rethink Authenticity
March 09, 2019

My FB Live from Wednesday 03/06/19 has been uploaded as a bonus podcast episode on Tap Into Your Power: The Amplify Project Podcast.  This week we discussed why it's so important that we rethink "authenticity."  Get more episodes at...