

Educating an Industry on ORC

August 15, 2020

Hey, remember when we had conversations and we didn't have to talk about COVID.  This was one of those!  We were lucky enough to talk to Jerry pre-COVID crisis.

You know, ORC wasn't always ORC.  It took many individuals and an evolution in the loss prevention industry to truly understand the varying types of shoplifters to include Organized Retail Crime.  One of those individuals is Jerry Biggs.  Often known as one of the godfather's of ORC, Jerry helped the loss prevention industry define and describe exactly what ORC is and what it is not.  Take a listen as Jerry describes the days when ORC was still just "shoplifting" and how he helped shape our industry.

Thank you to Protos Security for sponsoring this episode.  To learn more about how Protos can help you solve your labor and bandwidth security challenges check them out here.